07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
Children can benefit hugely from reflexology. For infant constipation, a bed-wetting 10 year old or a teenager suffering from migraines children's reflexology can be a safe and nurturing environment for me to help them.
The list of conditions reflexology can help is long so please get in touch and ask me. One of my favourite and most explosive of treatments is helping babies and toddlers poo when they are constipated, specially around the time of potty training. Please get in touch to find out where their poo button is!
Your baby will be on your lap and I can show you the areas of their feet to treat at home afterwards.
I completed TQUK Level 2 certificate in Children & Young People's Mental Health in November 2022
the BiG TOE
Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QT