07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
Reflexology can be a wonderful therapy to help you before, during and after the perimenopause and menopause. Relaxation and lowering your stress levels can help optimise your physical and emotional wellbeing as well as help you feel calmer. You should sleep better and have a sense of improved mood and wellbeing.
Lifestyle can have a direct result on the perimenopause and menopause each woman will experience. I can’t wait to share some insights into how you can live happily, healthily and brilliantly in this next stage of your life.
Recent research concluding how reflexology can offer menopause support:
Reflexology can help improve sleep for menopausal women
(Maryam Asltoghiri, Zahra Ghodsi. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, Volume 31, 2012 Pages 242-246)
Reflexology can help vasomotor complaints (hot flashes, night sweats, heart palpitations) and quality of life
(Gozuyesil E, Baser M. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.t. 2016 Aug, 24:78-85)
Reflexology can help reduce depression during menopause
(F Mahdavipour et al, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 47, 2019)
Reflexology can help you relax and helps lower your stress levels. This can help optimise your physical and emotional wellbeing and help you feel calmer during this time. You should sleep better and have a sense of improved mood and wellbeing.
Your 6 reflexology sessions bundle will include:
Hand cream to help whichever symptoms are most affecting you
Facial and hand reflexology points to help specific issues around peri/menopause
Additional information to help with 5 pillars of health (1.nutrition, 2.exercise, 3.lifestyle 4.purpose, 5.relaxation) to help navigate the peri/menopause
Journal to help cultivate positive thinking and release any worries or anxieties.
Weekly (or as often as you’re able to come) foot reflexology sessions as it works on an accumulative basis; the more you have, the better you’ll feel and the longer you’ll feel the benefits.
Regular reflexology sessions for peri/menopause can help:
By stimulating specific points linked to the endocrine system, ovaries, and uterus, reflexology can help influence the production and release of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and oxytocin. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and overall reproductive health and your hormones.
Your 6 reflexology sessions bundle will include:
Hand cream to help whichever symptoms are most affecting you
Facial and hand reflexology points to help specific issues relating to your hormones
Journal to help cultivate positive thinking and release any worries or anxieties.
I would recommend initial weekly reflexology sessions as it works on an accumulative basis, the more you have, the better you will feel and the longer you will feel the benefits. Working alongside your menstrual cycle also really helps work with your natural hormone release.
Regular reflexology sessions for hormonal balancing can help:
the BiG TOE
Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QT