07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
With a new baby it's sometimes hard to leave the house, let alone put your own health, wellbeing and recovery first. Home reflexology takes place where it's easiest for you and offers you an hour to rest and restore. New mum reflexology works on both a physical and emotional level. It can help you relax, recover and heal. If you give me an hour, I’ll help you reset and recharge for the days and weeks ahead. It will help you be at your best for you and your family
I can travel up to a 15 mile radius of Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent for home reflexology.
Absolutely nothing! I will bring the lafuma chair, for you to lie in, plus towels to keep your feet warm and a foot bath. All you need to do is sit back and relax and enjoy the reflexology. Looking at your baby will release oxytocin, the feel good love drug, so they can happily lie on you and feed or sleep at the same time. If they get wriggly we can always pause the session until they (and most importantly you) are comfortable and ready.
For the home reflexology, I will be with you for about an hour. Most importantly, it's your time. New mum reflexology is all about you. You can talk as much or as little as you like. You can still be in your PJs or you can be dressed. I just need easy access to your feet and shins.
1 Helps improve sleep
2. Helps reduce stress and anxiety
3. Helps reduce pain
4, Helps promote lactation
5. Helps balance hormones
the BiG TOE
Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QT