As more people struggle with unexplained infertility, reflexology for fertility can be used as part of a holistic approach to help couples become families. We'll look at your diet, exercise, lifestyle and other factors that could be having an effect.
Together we can help:
Stress and anxiety can be a huge factor when trying to conceive. The longer you've been trying to conceive, the greater the stress on your emotional and physical state, and a cycle is started. With it's calming and soothing effects, reflexology can be a highly successful fertility support for helping to manage and reduce this.
With its calming and soothing effects, reflexology can be a highly successful fertility support.
Your 6 reflexology sessions bundle will include:
Additional points you can use at home on your hands and face as and when required in your cycle
Extra information on super foods that can help fertility and foods and drink to try or avoid during this time
Journal to help cultivate positive thinking and release any worries or anxieties.
Weekly (or as often as you’re able to come) foot reflexology tracking your cycle. This can work alongside IVF and other medicated cycles as well as if you’re trying naturally.
Regular reflexology sessions while you’re trying to conceive can help you:
The 9 months of pregnancy will put your body through intense physical changes and reflexology can help mothers-to-be stay comfortable during this time.
Your 6 reflexology sessions bundle will include:
Additional points you can use at home on your hands and face as and when required in your pregnancy
Acupressure points on your body to help in the lead up to labour for you and your partner
Journal to help cultivate positive thinking and release any worries or anxieties.
Monthly or weekly reflexology sessions depending on where you are in your pregnancy.
Regular reflexology sessions during pregnancy can help a variety of issues including:
the BiG TOE
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