07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
07867 535674 Tunbridge Wells
Reflexology is so much more than a relaxing massage so a taster treatment is a great opportunity to see what it can do for you. All the reflexes on both feet will be worked in a sequence and then we’ll have a chat through what I felt and how reflexology may be able to help you. Most importantly it will be a very relaxing half hour of me-time.
With your feet warming in a relaxing footbath, we’ll go through your health history taking into account any physical and non-physical factors that may be affecting your wellbeing. Concentrating on the areas discussed you’ll then have a full reflexology treatment with time to talk through the session afterwards. You will leave relaxed, soothed and calm.
Having taken your health history in the initial session, we’ll discuss anything that may have changed and how you felt after the previous treatment, while your feet relax in the footbath. We’ll then start the full reflexology treatment concentrating on particular reflexes on the feet. Again you’ll leave the session feeling relaxed, soothed and calmed.
All sessions are about 1 hour and £50. Book a specialised bundle of 6 sessions for £250
As more people struggle with unexplained infertility, reflexology can be used as part of a holistic approach to help couples become families. We'll look at your diet, exercise, lifestyle and other factors that could be having an effect.
The 9 months of pregnancy will put your body through intense physical changes and reflexology can help mothers-to-be stay comfortable during this time. It can also help a variety of issues including morning sickness, insomnia, dizziness, aches & pains, anxiety, tiredness and constipation.
Reflexology can be a wonderful therapy to help you before, during and after the perimenopause and menopause. Relaxation and lowering your stress levels can help optimise your physical and emotional wellbeing as well as help you feel calmer. You should sleep better and have a sense of improved mood and wellbeing.
I believe that reflexology is a powerful tool for promoting your own health and wellbeing. My philosophy is centered around the idea that the body has an innate ability to heal itself and that reflexology can help stimulate this natural healing process.
Reflexology sessions work on an accumulative basis; the more you have, the better you’ll feel and the longer you’ll feel the benefits
the BiG TOE reflexology sessions are designed to provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that promotes wellness and balance. I currently offer 6 personalised sessions for £250 to help: fertility, pregnancy, peri/menopause and hormone related symptoms.
Alongside the 6 sessions of reflexology you'll also receive:
Buy someone an hour of "me time" while helping them improve their health and wellbeing with the BiG TOE reflexology gift vouchers. Their feet will love you for it!
Email kathryn@thebigtoe.co.uk or call 07867 535674. If the address is local to Tunbridge Wells vouchers can usually be delivered the same or next day.
Patti Clark, the BIG TOE reflexology client
the BiG TOE
Stone Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QT